Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you make a gay guy back off your boyfriend?

me and my boyfriend have the gay friend that has a crush on him and when ever i call to check up on my bf or to let him know something about our two boys we have our friend always answers the phone and never lets me talk to my bf. also when the 3 of us go any where i have to sit in the back while my bf drives and our friends sits in the passenger side. there's also times that my bf will go out and drink and when i call my bf's cell our friend well go into this spill about how at the moment he doesn't want to talk to me doesn't want anything to do with me he's with him so at the moment he's. he's really getting under my skin and if wasn't for have to kids and going to jail i'd kill him. but i thought see what any one else might say. and let me make this perfectly clear my bf is not gay or bi in any way i know i've seen other gay people hit on him and he tells them off. but our friend thinks he can turn him i've tried talking to my bf about it and he's talk to him about it but it doesn't do any good it makes it worse any suggestings pranks or anything so that i could have my BF back to myself aand not feel like i have to share himHow do you make a gay guy back off your boyfriend?
Either your boyfriend is getting off on the attention this guy is giving him, that perhaps he lacks at home since you guys have children together, or he's possibly having an affair with this guy. Of course he's not going to bluntly tell you ';I like men.'; And if other gay guys have hit on him, of course he's going to turn them down in front of you.

Look I'm not saying he's a closet case but I've never heard of a straight guy having such an intimate friendship with a gay guy where he was shafting his girlfriend at all costs and telling her he's having his time with his friend.

';and when i call my bf's cell our friend well go into this spill about how at the moment he doesn't want to talk to me doesn't want anything to do with me he's with him';

Did you read what you wrote? There are red flags all over this! This is not normal of a ';friendship.'; You need to tell him to cut the crap or you're walking. This guy is playing you.How do you make a gay guy back off your boyfriend?
Take a grammar course...Then tell him to get over it, he is your boyfriend, and that is the way it is, it is very unfriendly of him to try and infringe on your relationship and attempt to break you up for his own benefit, sounds like a bad friend in my mind, I would have stopped being his friend a long time ago if I was you. Hope I could help
it seems there is something going on between the two of them and he must be finding it hard to tell you. obviously his loyalitys belong to the other guy. confront your bf and ask him straight out what is going on between them and watch his facial reactions/body language. good luck

Tell your friend its your man, and he needs to back off and find his own hunk of a man.
well you need to both firmly tell him to back off and if he doesnt maybe you dont need him as a friend
I think you have to get you boyfriend to tell this friend that he needs to back off a little. I don't think he is going to realize the severity unless the boyfriend say something because he is gonna look at the you as the jealous girlfriend. It may be a hard thing to do because this is a god friend but that is all he is a FRIEND. If you let him he is gonna keep pushing your boundaries until he completely comes between you and your boyfriend. I think he has already gone too far when he made you sit in the back of the car. That is out of control and until you put him in his place it is only going to get worse.
Have you talked to your boyfriend about this situation?

What does HE say?

Sounds to me from what you've written that your boyfriend would rather spend time with his gay male friend than with you and the kids. I mean, come on -- every time you call your boyfriend, his gay friend is there and answers the phone and refuses to let you talk to him? When the 3 of you go anywhere, the gay friend sits in front with your boyfriend and you sit in the back? When you call your boyfriend's cell phone, his gay friend answers and says ';sorry, at the moment he doesn't want to talk to you, he's with me';??

Sweetie, I hate to break this to you, but it really sounds like your baby daddy is having an affair with his gay buddy. Just because he turns down advances from other gay people in front of you means nothing -- it just means that 1. he already has a boyfriend and isn't looking for another one, and 2. he doesn't want you to know he's gay/bi.

Your gay friend doesn't ';think he can turn him.'; He already has.

You're not getting your boyfriend back. I suspect the only reason he hasn't just come out and broken up with you is because of the two boys. Break up with him -- hire a lawyer and get child support for the kids -- and find someone else who won't cheat on you with another man. You're done.
Tell your husband to stop hanging out with him. And let the friend know, that you wouldn't do this to him, and you feel what he is doing is very disrespectful. But.. your husband knows what he is doing, and he still chooses to hang out with him and have a guys night out. It seems your husband spend a bit of time with him. They may be just friends. Yet, your husband always lets this guy answer the phone when you call, there may be more between them. Just because other gay guys hit on him and your husband told them off, doesn't mean he isn't gay. He could have been covering it up because you were there.
Your boyfriend should punch the jerk out and urinate on his face.

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