Friday, August 20, 2010

How would you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend if you were in this situation?

Ok..asking this makes me feel a little bit childish, and I know I probably can do it on my own without asking for help..but every time I get the chance, I flip out and just tell myself I'll do it next time. But I'm tired of waiting. So yeahh..

We started dating around the middle of the school year, and I was extremely happy he finally asked me out. As the days passed, things were looking really great. Yada Yada Yada.

He ended up telling me one day that he was moving out of the city at the end of the school year, and wasn't coming back.

Right then and there he gave me the option to split-up, but I declined because I figured we would still talk some after he left.

Well, I was an idiot for thinking that.

When he sends me a message of myspace saying he'll call me, he never does. And when he actually does call, he never shuts up. I mean..I don't mind being there for him..but I have my times when I need someone to talk to too. Ya know?

He's visited me once or twice for only about an hour, which is either spent with him babbling and me nodding my head or him trying to get me 'in the mood'.

*-* I'm a virgin...don't judge me. ;%26gt;%26gt; *-*

Anyway..It's come to the point that I dread the days he calls or visits. I just can't stand it.

If he can't take 10 minutes out of his day to just call me and ask how I was feeling..I don't see it as worth it.

Any tips on how to break him the news?

I've never 'dumped' anyone before...It's always been I who was the 'dumpee'.

Thanks ahead How would you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend if you were in this situation?
your right about dumping him.. before he visits again... next time he calls.. just say.. this is not working out for me and I want to see other people.. so please dont call me anymore.. and simply hangup.. when he calls back.. say Im dating some else now.. so sorry but its over.. and thats it.... dont engage in conversation with him...because he may try to convince you to see him again or to not breakup with him.. so its important that you dont talk to him.. just say please dont call me anymore and hang up.. How would you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend if you were in this situation?
Just do it babe. Get new friends or not and move on. This guy is wasting your time and you are wasting his.
Just tell the guy you no-longer have time for him.Tell the guy how you feel no BS!!

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